Structural Health Monitoring – 10APWSHM
Eds. S. Xue, K. Ikago, L. Xie, M. Cao
Materials Research Proceedings Volume 50
Publication Date 2025, 590 pages
print ISBN 978-1-64490-350-6 (release date April 2025)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-351-3
DOI: https://doi.or/10.21741/9781644903513
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) technology has become increasingly important in civil, maritime, and aerospace applications. The present book focusses particularly on early warning systems, loss prevention, and structural safety assurance.
Table of Contents
A SHM damage diagnosis model evolution mechanism for individual aircraft structure
Hutao Jing, Shenfang Yuan
Research on framework and condition control for SHM reliability evaluation
XU Qiuhui, YUAN Shenfang, CHEN Jian
Structural deformation monitoring under complex boundary constraints using boundary parameter-optimized iFEM
Tianyu Dong, Shenfang Yuan
Research on vibration monitoring and vibration control of buildings near subways
Pei LIU, Honglei WU, Changjia CHEN, Zi WANG
Long-term prediction of tunnel primary lining deformation based on wireless monitoring
Yuxuan Xia, Dongming Zhang, Bo Zhang, Changze Li, Yue Tong
Post-earthquake rapid assessment of interconnected electrical equipment based on hybrid modelling
Beatriz Moya, Huangbin Liang, Francisco Chinesta, Eleni Chatzi
Predicting membrane strains with a deep learning encoder-decoder convolutional neural network architecture trained on synthetic finite element data
Benjamin Steven Vien, Thomas Kuen, Louis Raymond Francis Rose, Wing Kong Chiu
Eddy current damper model identification using hybrid convolutional and recurrent neural network
Vitali Kakouka, Kohju Ikago
Manifold learning-based unsupervised feature selection for structural health monitoring
Tingna Wang, Limin Sun
Feature extraction method of stone curtain wall panels based on multi-source data
ZHUO Xiuqi, LU Wensheng, LI Zhiyu, WANG Shiteng, HUANG Jie
Damage localization in metallic plates through lamb wave frequency variation: A numerical study
Deepak Kumar, Sahil Kalra
Structural damage identification method based on transfer learning and heterogeneous data alignment
Liu Mei, Ying Zhou, Wujian Long
Application of embedded fiber-optic distributed strain sensing for detection of matrix cracks in CFRP laminates
Shin-ichi Takeda, Yukino Ikeda, Shinsaku Hisada, Toshio Ogasawara
Online inverse solution for deep learning-based prognostics
Tianzhi Li, Morteza Moradi, Ming Xiao, Lihui Wang
In-situ modal decomposition of acoustic emission events arising from low-velocity impacts
Jaslyn Gray, Cedric Rosalie, Ben Vien, Wing Kong Chiu, Nik Rajic
Zero group velocity mode enhanced electro-mechanical impedance spectroscopy and nonlinear ultrasonics
Runye Lu, Yanfeng Shen
Changes in wave propagation due to damages and automatic recognition using a CNN model
Xin Wang, Aijia Zhang, Yoshihiro Nitta, Ji Dang
Analysis of the mechanical properties of surrounding rock in large span tunnel with variable cross-section under different excavation methods
Changze Li, Dongming Zhang, Yuxuan Xia
Enhancing displacement control performance of base-isolated structures using TVMD and SIS
Shotaro Kezuka, Kohju Ikago
Optimal design of a tuned viscous mass damper enhanced outrigger system
Dawei Li, Xianghui Guo
Using physics-informed graph neural networks for modal identification of a population of structures
Xudong Jian, Wei Liu, Kiran Bacsa, Eleni Chatzi
LFFNet: Layered feature fusion network enhanced passive infrared structural analysis in large-scale geomembrane covers
Yue Ma, Wenhao Huang, Benjamin Steven Vien, Thomas Kuen, Wing Kong Chiu
Wind turbine structure health monitoring through zero-shot learning with supervised variational autoencoders
Kiran Bacsa, Gregory Duthé, Wei Liu, Xudong Jian, Eleni Chatzi
Experimental investigation of mode veering phenomena in a bolted connection
Dashty Samal Rashid, Francesco Giorgio Serchi, Naoki Hosoya, David Garcia Cava
Analysis of multiple reflected ultrasonic waves generated during a drilling process
Jonathan Liebeton, Dirk Söffker
A tuneable piezoelectric vibration energy harvester for helicopter-gearbox sensing
Jess D. Flicker, David J. Munk, Matthew J. Shipper, Scott D. Moss
Single crystal linear array for modal decomposition analysis
Eliza Baddiley, Scott D. Moss, Ben Vien, Pooia Lalbakhsh, Jaslyn Gray, Nik Rajic, Cedric Rosalie, David J. Munk, Crispin Szydzik, Arnan Mitchell, Wing K. Chiu
Efficient rebar dimension detection using prior-guided discrete global optimization full waveform inversion
Zihan Xia, Liyu Xie, Songtao Xue
Improved reliability assessment of valve hall: Considering failure correlation
Xinzhu Qiao, Zhihang Xue, Qiang Xie
Testbed assessment of wave propagation analysis: Towards scum characterisation in covered anaerobic lagoon
Dat Nha BUI, Thomas KUEN, Shouxun LU, L.R. Francis ROSE, Wing Kong CHIU
Accurate diagnosis of bone degradation-induced prosthesis loosening using harmonic vibration analysis: An experimental study with a simplified model
Qingsong Zhou, L. R. Francis Rose, Benjamin Steven Vien, Peter R. Ebeling, Matthias Russ, Mark Fitzgerald, Wing Kong Chiu
Seismic control of structures considering frequency dependency of inerter-based dynamic vibration absorbers
XIE Ruihong, IKAGO Kohju
Assessing structural safety under repeated earthquakes: Integration of an energy-based function in Nsmos®
Hiroki Kazama, Hirotaka Imaeda, Hiroki Kameda, Nicolas Giron
Enhanced seismic isolation system by using a yoke-type inerter
Li Zhang, Songtao Xue, Ruifu Zhang, Liyu Xie
Analog demodulation circuit for structural health monitoring based on nonlinear wave modulation
Takashi Tanaka, Shinsei Nogami, Yasunori Oura
Inversion of the spatially dependent mechanical field based on PIGNNs
Yuchen Bi, Hesheng Tang
Load and temperature influence on a GW-SHM system for a composite fuselage
Maria Moix-Bonet, Daniel Schmidt, Benjamin Eckstein, Peter Wierach
Identification of vortex induced vibration of long-span bridges based on transfer learning
Puyu Li, Yinan Luo, Jiale Hou, Chunfeng Wan, Changqing Miao, Songtao Xue
Machine learning-based estimation method of seismic response of building’s unobserved floor
Daiki Kakehashi, Takenori Hida
Real-time seismic response prediction for electrical equipment using CNN-MLP model
Renpeng Liu, Zhihang Xue, Qiang Xie