Current Trends on Lanthanide Glasses and Materials


Ed. Sooraj Hussain Nandyala

This monograph covers the latest developments in lanthanide doped glasses and phosphor materials.


Current Trends on Lanthanide Glasses and Materials
Ed. Sooraj Hussain Nandyala
Materials Research Foundations Volume 8
Publication Date 2017, 200 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-945291-14-2
ePDF ISBN 978-1-945291-15-9
DOI: 10.21741/9781945291159

This monograph covers the latest developments in lanthanide doped glasses and phosphor materials. The book aims to explain the basic functioning mechanisms of phosphor materials, and the luminescence behavior of glasses doped with certain lanthanide ions. It also describes how to plot colors in a CIE chromaticity diagram.

The book will be of use for senior researchers, materials scientists, chemists, physicists, engineers, as well as research students to gain knowledge on current developments of these materials.

Materials Science, Lanthanide Glasses, Lanthanide Doped Glasses, Phosphor Materials, Luminescence Behaviour of Glasses, CIE Chromaticity Diagram, Solid State Lighting

Individual chapters for sale
Chapter 1 Tunable and white light generation in lanthanide doped novel fluorophosphate glasses 1
Chapter 2 Lanthanides co-doped phosphate glasses for broadband applications 45
Chapter 3 Lanthanum doped borophosphate glasses for nuclear waste immobilization 68
Chapter 4 Crystallization studies of cerium containing iron borophosphate glasses/glass-ceramics 88
Chapter 5 Spectroscopic properties and energy transfer parameters of Nd3+ and Sm3+ doped lithium borate glasses 105
Chapter 6 Relationship between the structural modifications and luminescence efficiencies of ZnF2-MO-TeO2 glasses doped with Ho3+ and Er3+ ions 136
Chapter 7 Luminescence and energy transfer phenomena in lanthanide ions doped phosphor and glassy materials 159
Keywords 191
About the editor 193

paperback flyer eBook flyer

ProtoView by Ringgold Clean Data
Presenting findings from their research on lanthanide glasses and materials, physicists and material scientists cover tunable and white light generation in lanthanide doped novel fluorophosphate glasses, lanthanides co-doped phosphate glasses for broadband applications, lanthanum doped borophosphate glasses for nuclear waste immobilization, crystallization studies of cerium containing iron borophosphate glasses/glass-ceramics, spectroscopic properties and energy transfer parameters of Nd3+ and Sm3+ doped lithium borate glasses, the relationship between the structural modification and luminescence efficiencies of ZnF2-Mo-TeO2 glasses doped with Ho3+ and Er3+ ions, and luminescence and energy transfer phenomena in lanthanide ions doped phosphor and glassy materials. Annotation ©2017 Ringgold Inc. Portland, OR (
Ringgold Keywords
Lanthanide glasses, Phosphate glasses, Borophosphate glasses, Lithium borate, Luminescence efficiency, Materials science, Physics