Multifunctional Concrete Technology
Feng Naiqian, Lu Jin Ping, Peng Gai-Fei
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 127
Publication Date 2022, 394 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-198-4 (release date August 2022)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-199-1
DOI: 10.21741/9781644901991
The book reviews production and applications of high- and ultrahigh strength multifunctional concrete. The use of various coarse and fine aggregates are covered, as well as ultrafine powders, new superplasticizers, anti-rust agents for steel bars and electrochemical protection technology.
Multifunctional Concrete, Powder Technology, Water Reducing Technology, Ultra-High Pumping Technology, Coarse and Fine Aggregates, Lightweight Aggregates, Electronic Protection, Superplasticizers, Shrinkage and Cracking, Shrinkage Reducing Agents. Anti-Rust Agents, Steel Bars. Microbead Ultrafine Powder, Natural Zeolite Ultrafine Powder, Slag Ultrafine Powder, Silica Fume, Fly Ash, Performance Testing