Data-Mining and Intermetallic Property-Prediction, color print, paperback


Using a computer-aided data mining approach and available experimental data bases, the author discusses the prediction of the structures and properties of intermetallic alloy compounds.

Data-Mining and Intermetallic Property-Prediction
David J. Fisher
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 128
Publication Date 2022, 120 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-200-4  (release date August 2022)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-201-1
DOI: 10.21741/9781644902011

Using a computer-aided data mining approach and available experimental data bases, the author discusses the prediction of the structures and properties of intermetallic alloy compounds. The book references 252 original resources with their direct web links for in-depth reading.

Data-Mining, Intermetallic Compounds, Structure-Mapping, Clustering Methods, Free Energy, Energy Landscapes of Compounds, Stable Groupings of Atoms, Intermetallic Phases, Crystal Unit Cell Size, Platonic Solids, Symmetries, Stoichiometries, Stability Fields
