Stress Measurements of Coarse Grain Materials using Double Exposure Method with Hard Synchrotron X-Rays

Stress Measurements of Coarse Grain Materials using Double Exposure Method with Hard Synchrotron X-Rays

K. Suzuki, T. Shobu, A. Shiro

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Abstract. The double exposure method (DEM) is proposed herein for X-ray stress measurement of coarse grain materials. A diffraction angle was obtained from an incident beam and a spotty diffracted beam. Each X-ray beam was measured by an area detector on a linear motion stage on a 2θ-arm. To verify the effectiveness of the DEM, the residual stress of a plastically bent specimen and the residual stress distribution of an indented specimen was measured. The results obtained with the DEM were similar to the results of simulations using the finite element method confirming that the DEM is useful for X-ray stress measurements of coarse grain materials.

X-Ray Stress Measurement, Coarse Grain, Double Exposure Method, Hard Synchrotron X-Ray

Published online 9/11/2018, 6 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: K. Suzuki, T. Shobu, A. Shiro, ‘Stress Measurements of Coarse Grain Materials using Double Exposure Method with Hard Synchrotron X-Rays’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 6, pp 69-74, 2018


The article was published as article 12 of the book Residual Stresses 2018

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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