Study of Mix Proportion of Structural Concrete with Recycled Aggregate of CCW for Application in Precast Slabs


Study of Mix Proportion of Structural Concrete with Recycled Aggregate of CCW for Application in Precast Slabs

E.T. Ferreira, A.B. de Melo, V.M. Zanta, U.H.O. Pimentel

Abstract. Technologies for recycling municipal solid waste are being created to minimize the extraction of raw materials and to improve the sanitation system of cities and their inhabitants’ quality of life. In this context, this work presents results of a mix proportions study for Portland cement concrete, using recycled aggregates, collected in a CCW beneficiation plant. The objective was to evaluate the potential of these aggregates in structural concrete (fck = 25 MPa), applied in precast concrete slabs. In the experimental program of the research, based on the specific norms, the material and concrete characterization stages were carried out with natural and recycled aggregates. It complements the large dosage study, considering the proportions (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) of replacing the natural aggregates with the recycled aggregates, an evaluation of the physical-mechanical properties of these concretes. What this study sought was a compatibility between the higher substitution content of the natural aggregates for the recycled aggregates and an adaptation to the physical-mechanical requirements of the structural concrete, applied to the precast slabs. Upon this analysis, the dosage chosen was that with 75% substitution of natural aggregate for recycled aggregate, to be used in the experiments with this structural element. The results of the flexing tests on the precast slabs allowed to claim that the recycled aggregate used meets the expectations of resistance and deformation inherent to the precast element.

Civil Construction Waste (CCW), Recycling, Recycled Aggregates, Concrete and Precast Slab

Published online , 9 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: E.T. Ferreira, A.B. de Melo, V.M. Zanta, U.H.O. Pimentel, ‘Study of Mix Proportion of Structural Concrete with Recycled Aggregate of CCW for Application in Precast Slabs’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 7, pp 716-724, 2018


The article was published as article 69 of the book Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies

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