Experimental Analysis of the Variation of Electrical Resistivity of Concrete after Fracture


Experimental Analysis of the Variation of Electrical Resistivity of Concrete after Fracture

F.V.O. da Cunha Médice, P.H.A. Martins

Abstract. Techniques for concrete quality control are usually associated with the investigation of the mechanical properties and durability of this material. Usually the preparation processes and conditions of the samples are slow and labor intensive, and are mostly destroyed during analysis, preventing further experiments. So no alternative destructive methods become necessary for effective monitoring and inspection to assess the condition of the structure and when maintenance or repair is needed. These techniques should be able to identify any problems of durability before these become serious. The durability of concrete largely depends on the properties of their microstructure, such as the distribution of pore size and shape of the interconnections between them. A network of finer pores with less connectivity leads to a lower permeability. A structure may undergo changes caused by fractures or defects generated during the manufacturing process, handling or working conditions generating a porous microstructure with a higher degree of interconnections. On the other hand, it results in increased permeability and reduced durability in general. The main idea behind most of the electrical resistivity techniques is to seek alternative ways to quantify the conductive properties of the concrete microstructure. In general, the electrical resistivity of the concrete can be described as the ability of the concrete supporting the transfer of ions subjected to an electric potential difference. This paper aims to evaluate the electrical resistivity of the concrete after the fracture.

Electrical Resistivity Concrete, Non-Destructive Testing, Fracture in Concrete Structures

Published online , 5 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: F.V.O. da Cunha Médice, P.H.A. Martins, ‘Experimental Analysis of the Variation of Electrical Resistivity of Concrete after Fracture’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 7, pp 671-675, 2018

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781945291838-64

The article was published as article 64 of the book Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies

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