Basic principles and theory of the photovoltaic effect
M. Ramrakhiani, Swati Dubey, Hemraj Waxar, Kamal Kumar Kushwaha, Pranav Singh
Among new energy sources, solar energy is extremely promising since it is practically inexhaustible. Photovoltaic (PV) is a method of converting solar energy directly into electricity using semiconducting materials. The number of solar energy power projects using photovoltaic technology is gathering momentum due to deeper understanding of the technology and commercial and government policies. Of course improved affordability due to the falling cost is another major factor. In order to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost further, a clear understanding of the basic scientific principles of photovoltaic is necessary. The basic theory and principles of the photovoltaic effect are described here giving expressions for voltage and current. Various characteristics and parameters of solar cells are described and suitable materials for solar cells are discussed.
Photovoltaic Effect, Solar Cell Characteristics, Solar Cell Parameters, Solar Cell Materials
Published online 8/2/2017, 21 pages
Part of Recent Advances in Photovoltaics
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