Recent Advances in Photovoltaics


The search for new materials and/or new structures such as multi-junctions, nanostructures, photoelectrochemical cells, organic solar cells etc. for improved performance is discussed. The experimental investigations on certain materials and modelling for better results are also described in the book.


Recent Advances in Photovoltaics
Ed. Meera Ramrakhiani
Materials Research Foundations Volume 17
Publication Date 2017, 358 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-945291-36-4 (release date October 1st 2017)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-945291-37-1
DOI: 10.21741/9781945291371

The ever growing demand for clean energy potentially can be met by solar-to-electrical energy conversion. This book on “Recent Advances in Photovoltaics” presents a detailed overview of recent research and developments in the field of photovoltaics and solar cells. It starts with the basic theory and gradual progress in the field of photovoltaics and various generations of solar cells. The search for new materials and/or new structures such as multi-junctions, nanostructures, photoelectrochemical cells, organic solar cells etc. for improved performance is discussed. The experimental investigations on certain materials and modelling for better results are also described in the book.

Photovoltaics, Solar Cells, Multi-Junctions Solar Cells, Nanostructured Solar Cells, Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells, Organic Solar Cells, Polymer Solar Cells

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The rise of solar cells 1
Chapter 2 Basic principles and theory of the photovoltaic effect 37
Chapter 3 Nanostructured solar cells 58
Chapter 4 Quantum dot as light harvester nanocrystals for solar cell applications 117
Chapter 5 Photoelectrochemical solar cells using nanocrystalline copper selenide photo electrode 134
Chapter 6 Photovoltaic response of nanocrystalline cadmium telluride in photoelectrochemical cells 185
Chapter 7 Studies on the photovoltaic effect of CdSe based nanocrystalline multilayered photoelectrodes in photoelectrochemical solar cells 241
Chapter 8 Status and potential of organic solar cells 269
Chapter 9 Efficiency rise in PCDTBT:PC70BM organic solar cell using interface additive 291
Chapter 10 Recent advances in polymer solar cells 299
Chapter 11 Advancement in simulation and modeling of organic solar cells 310
Chapter 12 Fill factor analysis of organic solar cell 334
Keywords 345
About the editors 347

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ProtoView by Ringgold Clean Data

Physicists and electronic engineers survey recent developments in photovoltaics. Their topics include basic principles and theory of the photovoltaic effect, quantum dots as light harvester nanocrystals for solar cell applications, photoelectrochemical solar cells using a nanocrystalline copper selenide photo electrode, studies on the photovoltaic effect of cadmium-selenium-based nanocrystalline multilayered photoelectrodes in photoelectrochemical solar cells, recent developments in polymer solar cells, and advances in simulating and modeling organic solar cells. Annotation ©2017 Ringgold Inc. Portland, OR (