Nonlinear dynamic modelling and performance of deployable telescopic tubular mast (TTM)

Nonlinear dynamic modelling and performance of deployable telescopic tubular mast (TTM)

Tongtong Sun, Paolo Gasbarri, Lin Du, Zichen Deng

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Abstract. The aim of this work is to present the longitude and transverse vibrations of a deployable TTM, which is attached on a spacecraft system, considering the effect of rigid-flexible coupling phenomenon. The proposed model is derived based on the principle of virtual work and discretized by assumed mode method. To introduce the nonlinear effect, the von Kármán strain is adopted. Additionally, locking and restart behaviors are taken into account in the modelling procedure of the deploying process. Finally, the dynamic phenomena of the longitude and transverse displacements are analyzed at different deploying velocities.

Flexible Vibration, Nonlinear Dynamics, Telescopic Tubular Mast, Deploying Process

Published online 6/1/2024, 4 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Tongtong Sun, Paolo Gasbarri, Lin Du, Zichen Deng, Nonlinear dynamic modelling and performance of deployable telescopic tubular mast (TTM), Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 42, pp 72-75, 2024


The article was published as article 16 of the book Aerospace Science and Engineering

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