Modelling ductile damage of a textured aluminum alloy based on a non-quadratic yield function
BRITO João P., OLIVEIRA Marta C., ALVES José Luís
download PDFAbstract. The development of more sophisticated constitutive models is essential for improving the reliability of metal forming process simulations. The main objective of this work is to employ a Gurson-type [1] porous criterion to assess the ductile damage distribution of a strongly textured AA5042-H2 sheet during a single-stage cup-drawing process. The anisotropy of the dense phase is described with the non-quadratic form of the CPB06ex2 [2] criterion using two linear transformations. In line with Gurson’s homogenization theory, the plastic behavior of the porous solid is described by an approximate macroscopic strain-rate potential (SRP) using the classical Rice and Tracey trial fields. The particularity of this implementation is that the macroscopic potentials are not evaluated via analytical functions, but by numerical integration of the local fields [3]. It is shown that such approach is viable from the computational standpoint and opens the door for materials with intricate plastic behavior to be modeled within the framework of porous media.
Ductile Damage, Porosity, Homogenization, Deep Drawing, Orthotropy
Published online 4/24/2024, 9 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: BRITO João P., OLIVEIRA Marta C., ALVES José Luís, Modelling ductile damage of a textured aluminum alloy based on a non-quadratic yield function, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp 1231-1239, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903131-137
The article was published as article 137 of the book Material Forming
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