Laser Cladding for Restoring and Increasing the Durability of Railway Wheels, color print, paperback


The book analyses the design features of railway wheel pairs and investigates methods for increasing the durability of these wheels.

Laser Cladding for Restoring and Increasing the Durability of Railway Wheels
Zaure Zhetpisbaevna Zhumekenova, Vitaliy Vladimirovich Savinkin, Andrei Victor Sandu, Petrica Vizureanu
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 157
Publication Date 2024, 110 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-290-5 (release date February 2024)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-291-2

The book analyses the design features of railway wheel pairs and investigates methods for increasing the durability of these wheels. Laser cladding of the surface of the wheels can successfully be employed for increasing their durability.

Railway Wheels, Surface Treatments, Laser Cladding, Strength Calculation, Fatigue Stresses, Laser Energy Source, Control of Thermodynamic Processes, Mobile Repair Complex
