Effect of Experimental Determination Process on Shear Stress Coefficient of Green Equation Describing HIP

Effect of Experimental Determination Process on Shear Stress Coefficient of Green Equation Describing HIP

Gerard Raisson, Vassily Goloveshkin, Evgeny Khomyakov, Victor Samarov

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Abstract. Despite the uniformity of the boundary conditions on the surface of the HIP capsule during the HIP Cycle (Pressure, Temperature) and full uniformity of stresses inside the powder material at the end of the cycle (isotropic tensor), the compressive deformation of the capsules with powder has a substantial shear component that can be described as distortion or non-uniformity. Accounting the values of shear deformation is the subject of HIP modeling and HIP tooling design. To determine the functions that adequately describe deformation of capsules with the given powder material during HIP, it is important to carry out experiments so that the values of the deformation tensor are close to those in the powder during a real HIP process. The adequacy of 3 deformation conditions for a combination TA6-4 powder and 304L capsule was evaluated for the database generation: HIP in capsules with different stiffness (deformation close to flat); Uni-directional upsetting of porous samples; Upsetting in a rigid die (uni-direction deformation). After homogenization of full dense material and capsule material, coefficients of Green’s equation have been calculated for TA6-4 powder in a 304L capsule. Unidirectional densification and HIP dilatometer give similar results when upsetting results are apart. Analysis of results shows that, in actual conditions of HIP cycle, only a small portion of ellipsoidal plasticity surface given by Green’s equation is used. Unidirectional pressing and HIP dilatometer condition are on the actual portion of ellipse. Upsetting of porous material is out of the useful zone and seems not convenient to determine shear stress coefficients.

HIP Modeling, HIP Tooling Design

Published online 12/8/2023, 5 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Gerard Raisson, Vassily Goloveshkin, Evgeny Khomyakov, Victor Samarov, Effect of Experimental Determination Process on Shear Stress Coefficient of Green Equation Describing HIP, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 38, pp 172-176, 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644902837-24

The article was published as article 24 of the book Hot Isostatic Pressing

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