Thermal fluid-structure interaction by discontinuous Galerkin methods

Thermal fluid-structure interaction by discontinuous Galerkin methods

Vincenzo Gulizzi

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Abstract. This research study presents a novel high-order accurate computational framework for thermal fluid-structure interaction problems. The framework is based on the use of block-structured Cartesian grids where level set functions are employed to define both the fluid and the solid regions. This leads to a mesh that consists of a collection of standard d-dimensional rectangular elements and a relatively smaller number of irregular elements at the fluid-solid interface. The embedded boundaries are resolved with high-order accuracy thanks to the use of high-order accurate quadrature rules for implicitly-defined regions. The fluid is assumed compressible and governed by the inviscid Navier-Stokes equations, whilst the solid region obeys the equations of thermo-elasticity within the small-strain regime. Numerical examples are provided to assess the capability of the proposed approach.

Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction, Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, High-Order Accuracy

Published online 11/1/2023, 4 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Vincenzo Gulizzi, Thermal fluid-structure interaction by discontinuous Galerkin methods, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 37, pp 202-205, 2023


The article was published as article 44 of the book Aeronautics and Astronautics

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