An Application of the Systematic Diagram in the Failure and Causes Analysis of a Vane Pump

An Application of the Systematic Diagram in the Failure and Causes Analysis of a Vane Pump


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Abstract. Hydraulic systems are widely spread among drive and control systems. They can play a crucial role in many applications; therefore, identifying potential failures and their causes might be required. Quality improvement tools and methods can be used to achieve this goal. This research attempts to apply one of the recently developed tools, which is a systematic diagram, to recognize possible failures and their causes and finally to define preventive measures for a typical hydraulic vane pump. The analysis of potential pump failures and their causes identified oil contamination as the primary source of pump failure or malfunction. Consequently, proper maintenance was found to be the proper preventive measure.

Hydraulic Systems, Drive and Control Systems, Potential Failures, Causes, Quality Improvement Tools, Systematic Diagram, Preventive Measures, Hydraulic Vane Pump, Oil Contamination, Maintenance

Published online 9/1/2023, 9 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: FABIŚ-DOMAGAŁA Joanna, DOMAGAŁA Mariusz, PIETRASZEK Jacek, An Application of the Systematic Diagram in the Failure and Causes Analysis of a Vane Pump, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 34, pp 207-215, 2023


The article was published as article 25 of the book Quality Production Improvement and System Safety

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