Progressive failure analysis of postbuckled plates via mixed formulation

Progressive failure analysis of postbuckled plates via mixed formulation

Riccardo Vescovini, Mohammad Reza Najafian Zadeh Najafabadi

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Abstract. This paper presents a strategy for Progressive Failure Analysis (PFA) of laminated plates, including Variable Stiffness ones, based on the Ritz method. The formulation is developed using a mixed variational principle, where the unknowns are the stress function and the out-of-plane deflections. A linear degradation model is implemented to account for damage evolution. To ensure accurate predictions, emphasis is placed on the method’s ability to correctly handle the laminate’s elastic couplings. The iterative nature of this type of analysis is effectively managed due to the reduced number of degrees of freedom required. Exemplary results are reported, and comparisons with Abaqus results are provided to demonstrate the quality of the predictions.

Progressive Failure Analysis, Mixed Formulation, Semi-Analytical Methods, Ritz Method, Elastic Couplings

Published online 8/10/2023, 9 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Riccardo Vescovini, Mohammad Reza Najafian Zadeh Najafabadi, Progressive failure analysis of postbuckled plates via mixed formulation, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 31, pp 29-37, 2023


The article was published as article 4 of the book Advanced Topics in Mechanics of Materials, Structures and Construction

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