Silicon Carbide Doping by Ion Implantation


Silicon Carbide Doping by Ion Implantation

Philippe Godignon, Frank Torregrosa, Konstantinos Zekentes

Ion implantation allows incorporating dopants, or atoms in general, in specific areas of the semiconductor surface. This technique is extensively used in silicon technologies for all kind of devices and circuits integration. An ion implanter is a highly complex machine, with many parameters to set-up. In addition, ion implantation process is always associated with an activation thermal annealing used for the dopants incorporation in the crystal. As we will see in this chapter, the implantation and activation processes in silicon carbide require significantly different parameters than in silicon, and it is today a limiting factor in the development of SiC devices mass volume production. The chapter starts with a short introduction on ion implantation, which is followed by an overview of the current SiC ion implantation technology. A detailed presentation of all aspects of SiC ion implantation is presented in the remaining parts. More precisely, it is presented the use of different elements as p- and n-type implanted dopants, the optimum hot implantation conditions for the different elements, the post-implantation annealing, which is still subject of intense studies, the important in SiC channeling effect and the various physical characterization methods of the implanted SiC material. The main part of the present chapter deals with the 4H-SiC polytype, as it is the mostly used polytype for device fabrication.

Silicon Carbide, Implantation, Dopants Activation, Post-Implantation Annealing, Channeling, Implantation Modeling

Published online 2/15/2020, 68 pages

Citation: Philippe Godignon, Frank Torregrosa, Konstantinos Zekentes, Silicon Carbide Doping by Ion Implantation, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 69, pp 107-174, 2020


Part of the book on Advancing Silicon Carbide Electronics Technology II

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