Explosion Shock Waves and High Strain Rate Phenomena, color print, paperback


The book presents the papers presented at the 6th international conference on Explosion, Shock Wave and High Strain-Rate Phenomena (ESHP).

Explosion Shock Waves and High Strain Rate Phenomena
Eds. K. Hokamoto and K. Raghukandan
Materials Research Proceedings Volume 13
Publication Date 2019, 182 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-032-1 (release date August 20th, 2019)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-033-8
DOI: 10.21741/9781644900338

The book presents the papers presented at the 6th international conference on Explosion, Shock Wave and High Strain-Rate Phenomena (ESHP). Topics covered include: Advanced Manufacturing under Impact/Shock Loading, Detonation of High Pressure Flammable Gas in Closed Spaces, High Strain-Rate Behaviour of Auxetic Cellular Structures, Underwater Shock Waves Generation, Magnetic Pressure Welding of Aluminum Sheets, Shock Synthesis of Zirconium Oxides, Impact Joining of Dissimilar Metals, High-Speed Oblique Collision of Metals, Dynamic Behavior of Dislocation Wall Structures, Tensile Strength of Rock at High Strain Rates, Fiber Reinforced Mortar, Impact Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Explosive Welding , Underwater Explosive Welding , Making Ultrafine Explosives, Aluminum-Steel Explosive Cladding, Explosively Cladded Aluminum Hybrid Composites, Explosive Clads with Interlayers.

Explosion Shock Waves, High Strain-Rate Phenomena, Manufacturing using Impact Loading, Flammable Gas Detaonation, Auxetic Cellular Structures, Underwater Shock Waves, Magnetic Pressure Welding, Shock Synthesis of Oxides, Impact Joining of Dissimilar Metals, Dislocation Wall Structures, Strength of Rock at High Strain Rates, Fiber Reinforced Mortar, Impact Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Explosive Welding , Underwater Explosive Welding, Ultrafine Explosives, Explosive Cladding of Metals, Explosive Clads with Interlayers


The Combustion and Transition to Detonation of High Pressure Flammable Gas in Closed Spaces Linked with a Narrow Path
Yusaku Kusuhara, Kazuhito Fujiwara,Fumiko Kawashima, Shingo Maeda, Ryo Nanba

Numerical Simulation on Conical Shaped Charge with Copper Liner in Several Typical Shapes
Zhiyue Liu, Junzhao Zhai, Shuai Su

Advanced Manufacturing under Impact / Shock Loading: Principles and Industrial Sustainable Applications
Athanasios G. Mamalis

High Strain Rate Behaviour of Auxetic Cellular Structures
Nejc Novak, Matej Vesenjak, Shigeru Tanaka, Kazuyuki Hokamoto, Baoqiao Guo, Pengwan Chen, Zoran Ren

Shock Synthesis of Gd2Zr2O7
Toshimori Sekine, Qiang Zhou, Pengwan Chen, Zhen Tan, Haotian Ran, Jianjun Liu

Experimental Study for the Tenderness of Meat using Underwater Shock Waves Generation by Wire Electrical Discharges
Ken Shimojima, Yoshikazu Higa, Osamu Higa, Ayumi Takemoto, Hideaki Kawai, Kazuyuki Hokamoto, Hirofumi Iyama, Toshiaki Watanabe, Shigeru Itoh

Deformation Behavior of a Polygonal Tube under Oblique Impact Loading

Collision Behavior in Magnetic Pressure Parallel Seam Welding of Aluminum Sheets

Azimuthal Characteristics on Blast Wave from a Cylindrical Charge – Small Scale Experiment –
Tomotaka Homae, Yuta Sugitana,Tohoharu Matsumura, Kunihiko Wakabayashi

Development of a Compact Container Protecting from Accidental Explosions of High Energy Materials
Teito Matsuishi, Kazuhito Fujiwara, Fumiko Kawashima, Haruka Oda

Experimental and Theoretical Study of Fragment Safety Distance of Fragmenting Munitions
H.N. Behera, Sarbjit Singh, Pal Dinesh Kumar, Asha Gupta

Joining of Dissimilar Metals Using Low Pressure Difference

Observation for the High-Speed Oblique Collision of Metals
Akihisa Mori, Shigeru Tanaka, Kazuyuki Hokamoto

Effect of Added Molybdenum on Material Properties of Zr2SC MAX Phase Produced by Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis
RYUICHI Tomoshige, KIYOHITO Ishida, HITOSHI Inokawa

FTMP-Based Quantitative Evaluations for Dynamic Behavior of Dislocation Wall Structures
Shiro IHARA, Tadashi HASEBE

Impact Joining of Metallic Sheets and Evaluation of its Performance
Minoru Yamashita, Toshiki Shibuya, Makoto Nikawa

Tensile Strength Test of Rock at High Strain Rate Using Digital Image Correlation
Tei Saburi, Yoshiaki Takahashi, Shiro Kubota, Yuji Ogata

Influence of Fiber Shape and Water-Binder Ratio on Blast Resistance of PVA Fiber Reinforced Mortar
Danny Triputra SETIAMANAH, Makoto YAMAGUCHI, Priyo SUPROBO, Shintaro MORISHIMA, Zicheng ZHANG, Atsuhisa OGAWA , Takashi KATAYAMA

Effect of Pre-Notch on Deformation of Aluminium Square Plate under Free Blast Loading
Ali Arab, P.Chen, Yansong Guo, Baoqiao Guo, Qiang Zhou

Multiphysics Impact Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Shell
Cathrine Høgmo Strand, Zahra Andleeb, Hassan Abbas Khawaja, Moji Moatamedi

ANFIS Modeling for Prediction of Particle Size in Nozzle Assisted Solvent-Antisolvent Process for Making Ultrafine CL-20 Explosiv
Dinesh K. Pal, Shallu Gupta, Deepika Jindal, Anil Kumar, Arun Aggarwal, Prem Lata

Explosive Welding of Al-MS Plates and its Interface Characterization
Bir Bahadur Sherpa, Pal Dinesh Kumar, Abhishek Upadhyay, Sandeep Kumar, Arun Aggarwal, Sachin Tyagi

Effect of Liner Cone Angle, Liner Thickness and Wave Shaper in Large Caliber Shaped Charge Warheads
Mukesh Kumar, Yashpal Singh, Pravendra Kumar

Improvement in Performance of Shaped Charge using Bimetallic Liner
Santosh N. Ingole, M.J. Rathod, K.M. Rajan, R.K. Sinha, S.K. Nayak, Nair Prakash N.P., V.K. Dixit, S.G. Kulkarni

Underwater Explosive Welding of Tin and Aluminium Plates
Satyanarayan, Shigeru Tanaka, Kazuyuki Hokamoto

Development of Weldability Window for Aluminum-Steel Explosive Cladding
G. Murugan, S. Saravanan, K. Raghukandan

Effect of Silicon Carbide Particles in Explosive Cladded Aluminum Hybrid Composites
S. Saravanan, K. Raghukandan, G. Murugan

Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Al 5052-SS 316 Explosive Clads with Different Interlayer
E. Elango, S. Saravanan, K. Raghukandan