Showing 25–36 of 60 resultsSorted by latest
Friction stir processing to improve grain refinement and superplasticity of Al-Mg-Mn-Cr alloy
Mechanical and microstructural analysis of Ti-6Al-4V material in a wide range of superplastic forming conditions
Fabrication and superplastic forming property research of TiB whisker reinforced titanium alloy matrix composite sheet
Growth of fatigue cracks in specimens welded under bending with torsion
Effect of particle size of fly ash and solid to liquid ratio on microstructure and mechanical properties of geopolymer
Evaluation of data transfer methods efficiency in the random cellular automata model of dynamic recrystallisation
Correlation between porosity level and elastic modulus in a foamed hiped Ti alloy
Investigation of machining performance of lead-free brass materials forged in different conditions after cooling with liquid nitrogen
Specific behavior of high-manganese steels in the context of temperature increase during dynamic deformation
Effect of near beta-transus forging parameters on the mechanical and microstructural properties of Ti-6Al-4V – Application to hammer forging
Experimental analysis and modeling of the recrystallization behaviour of a AA6060 extruded profile
2D FE modeling of the thermal history of the heat affected zone in AlSi10Mg LPBF