Influence of remelting lasing strategies on the fracture toughness of Hastelloy X manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
download PDFAbstract. Additive manufacturing and, in particular, Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processes (LPBF), are known to generate non-equilibrium microstructures having a strong impact on the mechanical properties such as tensile of fatigue ones. To better control this impact, optimized lasing strategies can be employed. Among them, relasing or remelting ones have been proved to reduce the porosity and the surface roughness as well as to increase the ductility [1,2]. This particular manufacturing strategy seems, hence, to be a promising tool to modify the microstructure and mechanical properties of LPBF alloys and to optimize the mechanical properties. The objective of this study is to assess the influence of such relasing and its characteristics on the fracture toughness of Hastelloy X superalloys.
Remelting, Fracture Toughness, Microstructure, Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Hastelloy X
Published online 4/24/2024, 7 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: KELLER Clément, VIEILLE Benoit, DUCHAUSSOY Amandine, Influence of remelting lasing strategies on the fracture toughness of Hastelloy X manufactured by laser powder bed fusion, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp 120-126, 2024
The article was published as article 13 of the book Material Forming
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