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The book on sheet metals features 45 articles covering recent developments in sheet metals fabrication.

Sheet Metal 2025
Eds. G. Meschut, M. Bobbert, J. Duflou, L. Fratini, H. Hagenah, P. Martins, M. Merklein, F. Micari
Materials Research Proceedings Volume 52
Publication Date 2025, 384 pages
print ISBN 978-1-64490-354-4  (release date April 2025)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-355-1
DOI: https://doi.or/10.21741/9781644903551

The book on sheet metals features 45 articles covering the following topics: Forming, Incremental forming, Joining, Simulation, Characterization, Polymers and composites, Machine learning, Sustainability, and Welding and additive manufacturing.

Table of Contents

Folding pre-shaped blanks
David Evans, Julian M. Allwood

A first approach towards in-line shape monitoring and control in flexible roll forming automotive components
Abdelrahman Essa, Buddhika Abeyrathna, Bernard Rolfe, Li Yu, Matthias Weiss

A Study of beak geometries for achieving pure shear deformation in folding-shearing
Rishabh Arora, Omer Music, Julian M Allwood

Potential of part quality monitoring for deep drawing processes by integrating sensors into drawbeads
Papdo Tchasse, David Briesenick, Kim Rouven Riedmüller, Mathias Liewald

Cost-effective repair solution for twin-roll-caster rollers
Martin Lauth, Kay-Peter Hoyer, Mirko Schaper, Winfried Gräfen

Experimental investigations on a process adapted material testing method for hydroforming of tubular components
Jonas Reblitz, Marion Merklein

Supporting toolpath generation for double sided incremental forming of polyhedron parts
Hans Vanhove, Arnoud Van Hees, Joost R Duflou

Revisiting formability limits in incremental sheet forming
Margarida GRALHA, Bernardo COLAÇO, João P. MAGRINHO, Énio CHAMBEL, M. Beatriz SILVA

SPIF accuracy improvement by FEM analysis of multi-step tool trajectories with experimental validation
Cristian Cappellini, Claudio Giardini, Sara Bocchi

Investigating intermediate shapes for multi-stage forming of cranial implants: The influence of two intermediates stages
M. Vanhulst, J.R. Duflou

Investigation failure behavior in the shear tensile test with respect to the arrangements of clinched joints
Eugen Wolf, Alexander Brosius

Non-destructive testing in versatile joining processes
Michael Lechner, Thomas Borgert, Matthias Busch, Arnold Harms, Pia Holtkamp, Fabian Kappe, David Römisch, Simon Wituschek

Analysis of the binding mechanisms depending on versatile process variants of self-piercing riveting
Stephan Lüder, Pia K. Holtkamp, Simon Wituschek, Mathias Bobbert, Gerson Meschut, Michael Lechner, Hans C. Schmale

SE analysis as a tool for forming and medical technology
Sinan Yarcu, Bernd A. Behrens, Sven Hübner, Serdar Yalcin

In situ computed tomography – Analysis of settling effects during single-lap shear tests with clinch points
Daniel Köhler, Juliane Troschitz, Robert Kupfer, Maik Gude

Investigation on manufacturing-induced pre-deformation on the fatigue behaviour of clinched joints
Malte Christian Schlichter, Özcan Harabati, Max Böhnke, Christian R. Bielak, Mathias Bobbert, Gerson Meschut

A novel hybrid hot forming process concept for high strength aluminum alloys
Naveen K. Baru, Tobias Teeuwen, David Bailly, Emad Scharifi

Modeling of notch effects due to multi-material joints in automotive body components
Philipp Bähr, Silke Sommer, Gerson Meschut

Cross-process damage modeling: A process-chain case study of clinching and self-pierced riveting for aluminum connections
Özcan Harabati, Christian Roman Bielak, Max Böhnke, Malte Christian Schlichter, Marc Brockmeier, Mathias Bobbert, Gerson Meschut

Numerical and experimental investigation on full backward extrusion process in forming of pins from DC04 coil

Modelling strategies for non-rotationally symmetric joints
Deekshith Reddy DEVULAPALLY, Thomas TRÖSTER

Influence of thermal effects on clinch joining of sheet metal
Johannes Friedlein, Paul Steinmann, Julia Mergheim

High-cycle fatigue testing and parameter identification for numerical simulation of aluminum alloy EN AW-6014
Chin Chen, Malte Christian Schlichter, Sven Harzheim, Martin Hofmann, Mathias Bobbert, Gerson Meschut, Thomas Wallmersperger

Evaluating the joinability of aluminum 2024 T351 for aerospace structures using aluminum solid self-piercing rivets
Felix Holleitner, Knuth-Michael Henkel, Normen Fuchs

Influence of the sampling procedure on the mechanical forming limits in the characterization of sheet metal foils
Jan Sommer, Max Meerkamp, Martina Müller, Tim Herrig, Thomas Bergs

Processing of the hypoeutectic AlSi9 alloy with twin-roll casting by using copper shells
Moritz Neuser, Kay-Peter Hoyer, Mirko Schaper

The effect of height to diameter ratio at stack compression tests on biaxial yield stress
Martin L. Kölüs, Gábor Kalácska, Gábor J. Béres

Consideration of residual stresses and damage in the fracture mechanical investigation of mechanically joined structures
Deborah Weiß, Tobias Duffe, Tintu David Joy, Gunter Kullmer

Inverse parameter identification for the delamination behaviour of metal-polymer-metal sandwich materials
Moritz Kuhtz, Jonas Richter, Andreas Hornig, Maik Gude

A dieless Nakajima test for additively deposited materials
Rui F.V. Sampaio, Pedro M.S. Rosado, João P.M. Pragana, Ivo M.F. Bragança, Chris V. Nielsen, Carlos M.A. Silva, Paulo A.F. Martins

Joining process for fiber-reinforced thermoplastics and sheetmetal without additional adhesion promoter
Bernd-Arno Behrens, Annika Raatz, Sven Hübner, Christoph Schumann, Jörn Wehmeyer

Efficient failure information propagation under complex stress states in fiber reinforced polymers: From micro- to meso-scale using machine learning
Johannes Gerritzen, Andreas Hornig, Maik Gude

Modeling approaches for the decomposition behavior of preconsolidated rovings throughout local deformation processes
Benjamin Gröger, Johannes Gerritzen, Andreas Hornig, Maik Gude

Combination of metal forming and injection moulding in one tool
Juliane Troschitz, Sven Bräunling, Matthias Kahl, Frank Schneider, Thomas Krampitz, Robert Kupfer, Maik Gude, Alexander Brosius

Impact of the parameter distribution on the predictive quality of metamodels for clinch joint properties
Jonathan-Markus Einwag, Yannik Mayer, Stefan Goetz, Sandro Wartzack

Transient dynamic analysis: Performance evaluation of tactile measurement
Gregor Reschke, Alexander Brosius

Predicting and identifying factors affecting sheet metal bending times using explainable AI
Alp Bayar, Johan Joubert, Joost R. Duflou

Machine learning modeling of a deep drawing process for predicting resulting component properties after springback
Jonas Neumann, Umang Bharatkumar Ramaiya, Marion Merklein

The assessment of heavy-duty laser cutting efficiency and environmental impact through different optical setup
Masoud Kardan, Brent Hendrickx, Joost R. Duflou

Sustainable steel production and application
Amalia KOLETTI, Fabian BOTZ, Thomas FLOETH

Experimental analyses of lubricant reduction in an industrial progressive tool
Eugen Stockburger, Leonard Kürbis, Margarethe Nickel

Influence of Liquid metal embrittlement on load-bearing capacity of resistance spot welds under crash loads: A study based on S-Rail components
Keke Yang, Max Biegler, Linus Happe, Marius Striewe, Viktoria Olfert, David Hein, Michael Rethmeier, Gerson Meschut

A numerical model to study the temperature and residual stress profiles in hybrid additive manufacturing
Gaetano Pollara, Dina Palmeri, Gianluca Buffa, Livan Fratini

Effect of process parameters on local thickening of Mg-Zn-Zr alloy sheets in TIG welding
Ecem Ozden, Oleksandr Kurtov, Hans Vanhove, Joost R. Duflou

Local adaptation of aluminum blanks through laser de-alloying and wire alloying
Marcel Stephan, Henrik Zieroth, Simona Samland, Dominic Bartels, Marion Merklein, Michael Schmidt