Innovative Materials and Techniques for Osteochondral Repair


Biomaterials, Osteochondral Repair, Lipoaspirate Fluid (LAF) Cells, Arthrosis, Focal Joint Cartilage Defects, Physiopathology of Cartilage Lesions, Diagnosis of Cartilage Lesions, Treatment of Cartilage Lesions, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Repair Surgery, Orthopedics, Biological Arthroplasties.


Innovative Materials and Techniques for Osteochondral Repair
Horea Rareș Ciprian Benea
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 62
Publication Date 2019, 184 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-052-9 (release date November 30th, 2019)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-053-6
DOI: 10.21741/9781644900536

The book presents research in treating focal joint cartilage defects. Lipoaspirate fluid (LAF) cells have important applications in such areas as orthopedics, general surgery, plastic and repair or vascular surgery. Also discussed are cartilage tissue regeneration therapies using collagen scaffolds and multipotent mesenchymal cells; this offers the possibility of making real “biological arthroplasties”. The regeneration of cartilage tissue by injecting stem cell concentrates gives hope to patients suffering from cartilage degradation.

Biomaterials, Osteochondral Repair, Lipoaspirate Fluid (LAF) Cells, Arthrosis, Focal Joint Cartilage Defects, Physiopathology of Cartilage Lesions, Diagnosis of Cartilage Lesions, Treatment of Cartilage Lesions, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Repair Surgery, Orthopedics, Biological Arthroplasties


Table of Contents
Introduction 1
1. Normal articular cartilage 3
2. Physiopathology of cartilage lesions 13
3. Diagnosis of cartilage lesions 21
4. Treatment of cartilage lesions 26
5. Study 1. In vitro behavior of mesenchymal stem cells on different biomaterials 36
6. Study 2. Lipoaspirate fluid derived stem cells use for the treatment of cartilage defects. Pilot study on rabbit model 57
7. Study 3. Comparative assessment of the healing of focal lesions of articular cartilage on an animal model, by using stem cells from the iliac crest versus stem cells from adipose tissue 71
8. Study 4. Static analysis with finite elements on the sheep knee treated by osteochondral reconstruction 102
9. Study 5. Retrospective observational study on articular cartilage therapies performed in clinical practice 119
10. General Conclusions 140
Acknowledgements 144
References 145
ANNEX 8.1 166
ANNEX 8.2 167
ANNEX 8.3 168

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