Mesoporous Materials
Eds. Inamuddin, Arwa Alrooqi, Amal Alshehri, Mohammad Abu Jafar Mazumder
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 173
Publication Date 2025, 504 pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-344-5 (release date March 2025)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-345-2
The book covers applications of mesoporous materials in such areas as sorption, removal, degradation of dyes, volatile organic compounds, pollutants for effective environmental remediation, healthcare and medicine, tissue engineering, diagnostic applications, size exclusion chromatography, separation techniques, high-performance catalysis, and enzyme immobilization.
Sorption of Heavy Metal Ions, Removal of Dyes, Removal of Pollutants, Liquid Chromatographic Separation, Bentonite Clay, Environmental Remediation, Solid-Phase Extraction, Electrochemical Sensing, Size Exclusion Chromatography, Separation of Biomolecules, Food Analysis, Tissue Engineering, Cosmetics, Diagnostics