Hexaferrite Permanent Magnetic Materials


by Sami H. Mahmood, Ibrahim Abu-Aljarayesh

This book on Hexaferrite Permanent Magnetic Materials is intended to provide an overview of the basic concepts of magnetism and magnetic properties pertinent to permanent magnetic materials. Emphasis is placed on Hexaferrite Permanent Magnetic Materials for permanent magnet applications, with M-type ferrites as the focal point. The discussion is kept brief, in an attempt to provide a wide spectrum of knowledge for quick reference to specialized scientists and engineers in this ever increasing industry.


Hexaferrite Permanent Magnetic Materials
by Sami H. Mahmood, Ibrahim Abu-Aljarayesh
Materials Research Foundations
Volume 4 (2016)
Publication Date 2016
Print ISBN 978-1-945291-06-7
ePDF ISBN 978-1-945291-07-4
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781945291074

This concise book presents the basic concepts of magnetism and magnetic properties pertinent to permanent magnetic materials. Emphasis is placed on hexaferrite materials for permanent magnet applications, with M-type ferrites as the focal point.
The relatively high metallicity of magnetic materials for practical applications imposes limitations for their efficient use. Accordingly, magnetic oxides with ferromagnetic properties emerged as the most widely used magnetic materials for practical applications, owing to their characteristic high resistivity and low eddy current losses, chemical stability, simplicity of production in mass quantities, and other favorable characteristics. An important class of these oxides is the class of hexagonal ferrites developed in the early 1950’s, which dominated the world market of permanent magnet applications since the end of the 1980’s. Among these ferrites, the magnetoplumbite (M-type) hexaferrite, is produced nowadays in large quantities at very competitive low prices, thus providing the permanent magnet market with probably the most cost-effective magnetic material.

Hexaferrite Permanent Magnetic Materials, Permanent Magnets, Ferrite Magnets, Sm-Co Magnets, Nd-Fe-B Magnets, Coercivity, Magnetic Dipole Moments, Magnetic Materials, Free Energies of a Ferromagnet, Domains, Hysteresis, M-Type Hexaferrite, Structural Properties, Magnetic Properties, Synthesis, Motor, Transducer, Microwave Absorption, Passive Microwave Devices, Hysteresis, Remanence, Coercivity, Thermal Stability, Recording processes

Chapter 1 Basics of Magnetism 1
Chapter 2 High Performance Permanent Magnets 47
Chapter 3 Properties and Synthesis of Hexaferrites 74
Chapter 4 Ferrites with High Magnetic Parameters 111
Chapter 5 Permanent Magnet Applications 153
Chapter 6 Magnetic Recording 166
Keywords 183
About the author 187

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ProtoView by Ringgold Clean Data
Focusing on the magnetoplumbite (M-type) hexaferrites Mahmood and Abu-Aljarayesh summarize the basic concepts of magnetics, and magnetic properties pertinent to permanent magnetic materials, the importance of these materials in terms of their market share and versatility of practical use, synthesis techniques, and routes for modifying and tuning their magnetic properties. They provide a quick reference for specialized scientists and engineers to selected scientific findings they find most relevant, but do not attempt to be comprehensive in either subject matter or theoretical background. Annotation ©2017 Ringgold Inc. Portland, OR (protoview.com)
Ringgold Keywords
Materials research, Magnetic materials, Permanent magnets, Magnetoplumbite hexaferrites, M-type hexaferrites