Green Materials Obtained by Geopolymerization for a Sustainable Future
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 90
Publication Date 2021, 212 Pages
Color Print ISBN 978-1-64490-112-0 (release date February 2021)
ePDF 978-1-64490-113-7
DOI: 10.21741/9781644901137
Geopolymerization techniques allow the conversion of industrial waste materials into environmentally friendly materials. The vast list of applications includes thermal insulation, fire-resistant materials, construction materials, refractory linings, cements and concretes, encapsulation of radioactive and toxic waste etc. The book presents the technological processes involved, as well as the characterization and applications of the resulting ecomaterials.
Geopolymerization, Industrial Waste Materials, Green Materials, Thermal Insulation, Fire-resistant Materials, Construction Materials, Refractory Linings, Cements and Concretes, Encapsulation of Radioactive Waste, Encapsulation of Toxic Waste, Thermal Power Plant Ash, Aluminosilicates Recycling, Porous Geopolymers, Environmentally Friendly Concrete
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About the Authors
Professor Ph.D. Eng.
Head of department at Department of Technology and Equipment for Materials Processing
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Professor and researcher at “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, with more than 30 years of experience. Ph.D. degree, since 1999 in Materials science and engineering; 2010 – present Ph.D. Supervisor in Materials Engineering domain. He has over 150 publications, 130 articles being indexed in ISI Web of Science. He has large experience in the field of composite materials; ceramic materials, insulating materials; optimization of materials characteristics. H-index is 17.
Assistant Professor PhD. Eng.
Department of Technology and Equipment for Materials Processing
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi /
Researcher and assistant professor at Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering. Graduates the Advanced techniques of materials processing engineering master programme with the thesis entitled „Studies on obtaining new aluminosilicate materials” and continues the studies in the composites materials field during the Ph.D. on thesis entitled “Contributions in obtaining geopolymers from mineral wastes” under the scientific coordination of Prof. Ph.D. Eng. Petrică VIZUREANU. Since 2016 he has multiple research papers published in conferences volumes or in WOS indexed Journals. H-index is 6.