Fullerenes and its Composites
P. Senthil Kumar, G. Janet Joshiba, Abishek Sankaranarayan
The evolution in the nanotechnology has created an immense enthusiasm for utilization of composites of fullerenes in various industrial applications. Fullerene is one of the greatest achievement and remarkable advancement in material sciences. In recent times they have pulled the significant consideration of diverse industrial domains. Due to their remarkable physicochemical feature, they serve as an important material in the manufacture of various gadgets, medicines, and materials. They show an extensive variety of unique mechanical and electrical properties. The smallest size and the unique structure of the fullerene make it exhibit extensive electric, magnetic, optical, structural, mechanical and chemical characteristics. This chapter deals with the characteristic and function of fullerenes and their composites.
Fullerenes, Composites, Physicochemical Feature, Unique Structure
Published online 11/20/2018, 18 pages
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781945291975-4
Part of the book on Carbonaceous Composite Materials
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