Sintered Mesh Layers for the Production of Efficient Phase – Change Heat Exchangers

Sintered Mesh Layers for the Production of Efficient Phase – Change Heat Exchangers

ORMAN Łukasz J., RADEK Norbert, BRONČEK Jozef

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Abstract. The paper focuses on the production and thermal performance of metal meshed heaters. The sintering process of sample production is described and the boiling heat transfer performance of multilayer meshed surfaces is discussed. The experimental results of nucleate boiling are compared with selected models and correlations available in literature.

Boiling, Heat Exchangers, Sintering

Published online 7/16/2018, 5 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: ORMAN Łukasz J., RADEK Norbert, BRONČEK Jozef, ‘Sintered Mesh Layers for the Production of Efficient Phase – Change Heat Exchangers’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 5, pp 189-193, 2018


The article was published as article 33 of the book Terotechnology

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