Structural and Magnetic Properties of Vanadium Substituted SrM and Europium Substituted BaM Hexaferrites


Structural and Magnetic Properties of Vanadium Substituted SrM and Europium Substituted BaM Hexaferrites

S.H. Mahmood, A.M. Awadallah, I. Bsoul, Y. Maswadeh

SrFe12-xVxO19, x = 0.2, 0.4 and Ba0.8Eu0.2Fe12O19 hexaferrites were prepared by high energy ball milling and sintering at 1200° C. XRD measurements revealed that the V-substituted SrM samples exhibited the coexistence of the pure SrM magnetic phase with nonmagnetic Sr3(VO4)2vanadate and α-Fe2O3 phase. Also, the Eu-substituted BaM hexaferrite revealed the formation of a pure BaM phase coexisting with α-Fe2O3 secondary phase, and Eu-garnet minor phase. The magnetic parameters of the substituted samples were found to be of potential importance for practical applications. The results of the study suggest methods for the preparation of high quality SrM hexaferrites, and hexaferrite/garnet composites.

Hexaferrites, Garnet, Structural Properties, Coercivity, Magnetic Properties

Published online 4/20/2018, 20 pages


Part of the book on Magnetic Oxides and Composites

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