Methods for the Detection, Determination and Removal of Phenolic Compounds from Wastewater


Methods for the Detection, Determination and Removal of Phenolic Compounds from Wastewater

Q. Kanwal, D.N. Iqbal, M. Iqbal

Phenolic compounds are pollutants of main concern, which at very low concentration are highly toxic. In this chapter, we have discussed the comparison of the applicability and efficiency of conventional as well as advanced methods of treatment of wastewater for removal of phenols. Conventional treatments like extraction, adsorption, electrochemical as well as chemical oxidation, and distillation, have been effectively used for many phenolic compounds, but advanced treatments like ozonation, Fenton processes, photochemical treatment, and wet air oxidation have received little attention as compared to that of conventional treatment methods. Compared to physicochemical treatment, biological treatment is energy saving and environment-friendly as compared to that of physicochemical treatment. But it is not a very effective treatment method for pollutants with high concentration. Enzymatic treatment is the best treatment method for the removal of phenols with a number of enzymes such as peroxidases, laccases, and tyrosinases under gentle conditions.

Wastewater Treatment, Phenol Toxicity, Degradation, Bioremediation

Published online 4/1/2018, 34 pages


Part of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater I

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