Recent Developments in Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Preparation, Optimization and its Application in Solar Cell Development and Photocatalytic Applications


Recent Developments in Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Preparation, Optimization and its Application in Solar Cell Development and Photocatalytic Applications

S.B. Patel, J.V. Gohel

In the present study, a topical review of recent advances in Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide -CZTS (Cu2ZnSnS4) preparation and its potential application related to solar cell development and as photocatalyst are discussed in detail. A rigorous review on the preparation of CZTS thin film using spin coating and spray pyrolysis methods are the main focus in the present study as these methods are easily up-scalable. The film quality controlling parameters are also discussed in detail. Recent and advanced studies on CZTS thin film preparation methods are also discussed. Lastly, some future research scopes for solar cells are explored.

CZTS, Thin Film, Photocatalyst, Spray Pyrolysis, Spin Coating, Quality Controlling Parameters

Published online 2/25/2018, 35 pages


Part of Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications

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