Polymeric Membranes and Composites-Innovations, Regulatory Guidelines, Developments for Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability


Polymeric Membranes and Composites-Innovations, Regulatory Guidelines, Developments for Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability


The demand for biocomposites is increasing multifold due to concerns towards environment sustainability and specific features. The basic raw material and additives may remain separate or intermixed through weak bonding. They are generally made up of reinforcing components, fillers, adhesives and matrix which may vary from product to product. The application and demand of composites have been increasing for the fast advancing industries. Innovative and smart composite materials are being designed that have one or more properties that may be significantly changed in a controlled fashion through external stimuli’s. Preferences towards utilization of fibers from natural products in composites are also increasing for environmental sustainability. Moreover, the role of nanocomposites and opportunities for composite-metal hybrid materials are critical and needs due care. The functionality with innovation using renewable feedstock are being developed using green polymeric sustainable additives to offer tailor-made, innovative and market-ready polymer solutions. Several natural fiber based composites are rendering help to transform the auto industry by replacing many petroleum-based components. Innovative materials are being developed using functional polymers so that volatile substances may be handled safely. This may help to bind substances and spread without endangering environment or biodiversity. Packaging segment including personal care, pharmaceuticals, food products, water etc. are likely to witness high growth in the future with the lifestyle changes in our society. The continuous monitoring and safety assessment in view of OECD/ ISO norms and specifications, updating as per the National/International guidelines are required periodically to match the state-of-the-art developments.

Polymers, Composites, Regulatory, Improvements, Risk Management

Published online 1/2/2018, 15 pages

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781945291470-6

Part of Smart Polymers and Composites

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