An overview of structural health monitoring: from hard time to online monitoring
K. D. Mohd Aris, A.Hamdan, F. Mustapha
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is defined as the “acquisition, validation and analysis of technical data to facilitate life cycle management decisions”. In addition, SHM denotes as a system with the ability to detect and interpret adverse “changes” in a structure in order to improve reliability and reduce Life Cycle Costs. The most fundamental challenge in designing an SHM system is knowing what “changes” to look for and how to identify them. The characteristics of damage in particular structures play a key role in defining the architecture of the SHM system. The resulting “changes,” or damage signature, will dictate the type of sensors that are required, which determines the requirement for the rest of the components in the systems. Next, the scope of condition based monitoring (CBM) is discussed through the use of the various non-destructive inspection (NDI) techniques which are available for damage detection on advanced composite structures both at present and in the near future. In addition, the limitation of current NDI techniques is discussed and how this has created the path for the Structural Health Monitoring to be implemented.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Non-Destructive Inspection, Condition Monitoring, Composite Material
Published online 3/16/2017, 24 pages
Copyright © 2016 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: K. D. Mohd Aris, A.Hamdan, F. Mustapha, ‘An overview of structural health monitoring: from hard time to online monitoring’, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 13, pp 26-49, 2017
The article was published as article 2 of the book Innovation in Smart Materials and Structural Health Monitoring for Composite Applications
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