Electrolytes for Advanced LIBs


Electrolytes for Advanced LIBs

Jinkui Feng

Electrolytes are essential parts for LIBs. The quality of electrolytes restricts the performance of the integrated LIBs. The developments of LIBs demand safer, wider working potentials and better compatible electrolytes to satisfying the emerging high voltage cathodes, such as LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4, Lithium-rich Mn-based layered cathode and LiCoPO4 etc., high capacity anodes such as Si, Sn and lithium metal etc. and the safety concerns such as burning and explosive. This chapter reviews the recent progress in electrolytes used to improve performance and other properties of LIBs, such as safety. This chapter classified the electrolytes based on the different compositions of electrolytes: solvents, lithium salts and additives.

Electrolytes, Solvents, Lithium Salts, Safe, Additives

Published online 3/16/2017, 39 pages
Copyright © 2016 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Jinkui Feng, ‘Electrolytes for Advanced LIBs’, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 12, pp 125-163, 2017

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781945291272-6

The article was published as article 6 of the book Recent Advances in Energy Storage Materials and Devices

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