Synthesis and Characterization of Al2TiO5-TiO2-Al2O3 Ceramics: Correlation with Charge Density
S.V. Meenakshi, R. Saravanan
Al2TiO5-TiO2-Al2O3 ceramic material has been synthesized using solid state reaction at 1500 °C. The prepared ceramic sample was characterized using XRD and SEM. The charge density distribution of the ceramic has been constructed using the maximum entropy method (MEM). Using the electron density distribution, the nature of the bonding is discussed and is used to explain the properties of the synthesized ceramics. SEM images are used to find the aggregate particle size. The UV-Vis absorption spectrum and the dielectric characteristics are also done to discuss the nature of the sample.
Al2TiO5, TiO2, Al2O3, Ceramics, Charge Density
Published online 6/1/2016, 12 pages
DOI: 10.21741/9781945291036-7
Part of Novel Ceramic Materials
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