Evaluation of compressive strength of bio-fibrous concrete with silica fume
Abstract. Concrete is a widely used material in construction due to its advantageous properties. However, the formation of cracks in concrete presents a significant challenge to its durability and can lead to a decrease in the service life of structures. Researchers have proposed various solutions to address this issue, including the incorporation of bacteria for self-healing and the use of kenaf fibre, and silica fume in concrete. In this study, bacillus subtilis bacteria is utilized to investigate their compressive strength on concrete, while kenaf Fiber and silica fume were added to concrete mixes at different concentrations of 0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5% and 0%, 1%, and 1%, 2%, 5% and 10%, respectively, to assess its effects on concrete strength. Concrete samples were cast in cube moulds with water-cement ratios of 0.5 and compressive strength testing was conducted on the 28th day to determine the samples’ impact resistance. The inclusion of bacillus subtilis in the concrete mix increased the compressive strength of concrete by 6.7%. Furthermore, incorporation of kenaf Fiber and silica fume increases the compressive strength of bio-concrete by about 55%.
Bacillus Subtilis, Bio-Fibrous Concrete, Compressive Strength, Kenaf Fiber, Silica Fume
Published online 3/25/2025, 8 pages
Copyright © 2025 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Muyideen ABDULKAREEM, Fadilat AYERONFE, Abideen GANIYU, Wasiu AJAGBE, Evaluation of compressive strength of bio-fibrous concrete with silica fume, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 51, pp 20-27, 2025
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903537-3
The article was published as article 3 of the book Advances in Cement and Concrete
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