Transparent Metals, PDF eBook DRM Free


There is much current interest in transparent metals which are optical materials based upon photonic band-gap structures.

Transparent Metals
David J. Fisher
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 174
Publication Date 2025, 116 pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-346-9 (release date March 2025)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-347-6

There is much current interest in transparent metallic materials. These are optical materials based upon photonic band-gap structures which are created by combining films of metals and dielectrics. Transparent materials are used to produce devices having electrically variable optical properties. Such photonic devices exhibit increased speeds of operation, reduced size and increased immunity to temperature changes. The book references 202 original resources with their direct web links for in-depth reading.

Solar Cells, Optoelectronic Devices, Photonic Band-Gap Structure, Light-Emitting Diodes, Metal-Polymer Hybrid Nanostructure, Ultra-Thin Gold Electrode, Transparent Metal Electrode Materials, Transparent Heaters, Silver Nanowire Electrodes
