Mesoporous Materials for Solid-Phase Extraction
Madhur Babu Singh, Nutan Sharma, Sapna Raghav, Rajesh Kumar, Pallavi Jain
Mesoporous materials (MM) have gained more attention for their application in solid-phase extraction (SPE). These materials, characterized by their large and uniform pore volumes, offer exceptional stability, selectivity, and catalytic activity, making them ideal sorbents for SPE. Their wide range of applications spans environmental analysis, biomedical and pharmaceutical fields, and the food and beverage industry. The selection of mesoporous materials as sorbents in SPE involves considerations of selectivity, catalytic activity, reproducibility, and extraction efficiency. Despite their benefits, challenges such as high synthesis costs and the difficulty in shaping pores for specific applications persist. Nonetheless, the versatile nature of mesoporous materials continues to drive innovation in various applicative fields, including electrochemistry, semiconductors, and optical properties.
Mesoporous Materials, Solid-Phase Extraction, Sorbents, Selectivity, Catalytic Activity
Published online 3/20/2025, 19 pages
Citation: Madhur Babu Singh, Nutan Sharma, Sapna Raghav, Rajesh Kumar, Pallavi Jain, Mesoporous Materials for Solid-Phase Extraction, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 203-221, 2025
Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials
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