Mesoporous Materials for Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants


Mesoporous Materials for Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants

A.M. Gutiérrez-Peralta, C.E. Pérez-García, E. Mas-Hernández, E. Quiroz-Pérez, J.A. de Lira-Flores*

This chapter explores the use of mesoporous materials as photocatalysts for contaminant degradation. It explains the principles of photocatalysis, where materials such as TiO₂ and ZnO generate reactive species under light to oxidize contaminants. Factors influencing efficiency, such as light intensity, pH, and photocatalyst dosage, are discussed. Different synthesis methods of mesoporous materials, such as sol-gel, are also reviewed. Finally, a patent analysis is presented, highlighting the growth in the use of these materials in water and air purification technologies.

Mesoporous Materials, Photocatalysis, Environmental Remediation, Contaminant Degradation, Semiconductor Oxides

Published online 3/20/2025, 43 pages

Citation: A.M. Gutiérrez-Peralta, C.E. Pérez-García, E. Mas-Hernández, E. Quiroz-Pérez, J.A. de Lira-Flores*, Mesoporous Materials for Photocatalytic Degradation of Pollutants, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 160-202, 2025


Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials

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