Bentonite Clay and its Potential Applications
Sara Efigênia Dantas de Mendonça y Araújo, Adrian Lima Roberto, Jayane Ellen Pereira Farias, João Augusto Oshiro Junior
Bentonite is the commercial name given to a group of natural clays made up of a mixture of minerals belonging to the smectites. Its composition varies according to the geographical region of origin and the way the bentonite is extracted, which can vary the material’s properties. The independent negative charge, the presence of easily exchangeable cations, and swelling are fundamental properties that can vary in intensity depending on the composition of these clays. Montmorillonite (MMT) is the most abundant component of Bentonite and has an excellent ability to adsorb positive charges from toxins when they come into contact with water. In addition, this clay can be exposed to additional treatments, which can modify its structure and increase its properties. As a result, this clay can be used in a wide range of areas, from pharmaceuticals and biomedicine to agriculture and engineering. Therefore, this chapter will provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of bentonite’s various applications, focusing on its use in the production of pharmaceutical formulations, in cosmetic products, in the controlled release of drugs, in detoxification pharmacological activity, cholesterol reduction, anti-inflammatory action, as well as its potential in the treatment of bone tissue and cancer, among other areas. By exploring its unique properties and versatility, the chapter highlights the fundamental role of this clay in sectors such as health, beauty, and materials technology.
Smectite, Montmorillonite, Environment-Friendly, Phyllosilicates, Low Cost
Published online 3/20/2025, 21 pages
Citation: Sara Efigênia Dantas de Mendonça y Araújo, Adrian Lima Roberto, Jayane Ellen Pereira Farias, João Augusto Oshiro Junior, Bentonite Clay and its Potential Applications, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 124-144, 2025
Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials
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