Mesoporous Materials for Liquid Chromatographic Separation
Vipul D. Prajapati, Princy Shrivastav
This chapter explores the creative application of mesoporous materials to improve liquid chromatography’s efficacy and efficiency. Mesoporous materials have special benefits in chromatographic applications, such as enhanced loading capacity, stronger selectivity, and better separation performance. These materials are distinguished by their highly organized pore architectures and huge surface areas. The production and functionalization of mesoporous materials are covered in detail in this chapter, along with an emphasis on their favourable physicochemical characteristics as chromatographic media. The chapter also examines the different uses of mesoporous materials in liquid chromatography, including preparative and process-scale procedures as well as analytical separations. The useful advantages and future possibilities of these materials in chromatography are demonstrated through case studies and a discussion of current developments in the field. Through this exploration, the chapter aims to present mesoporous materials as a versatile and powerful tool in the ongoing development of chromatographic techniques.
Mesoporous Materials, Liquid Chromatography, Chromatographic Separation, Pore Structure, Surface Area, Functionalization, Stationary Phase
Published online 3/20/2025, 31 pages
Citation: Vipul D. Prajapati, Princy Shrivastav, Mesoporous Materials for Liquid Chromatographic Separation, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 93-123, 2025
Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials
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