Mesoporous Materials for Diagnostics Applications
Melkamu Biyana Regasa
Mesoporous materials emerged as highly functional material systems to solve the problems of medical issues in health diagnostics. This might be because of these materials’ tunable structure, broad surface areas, advanced cargo capability, voluminous chemical availability, low cost, low toxicity, high performance for visualization and treatment, and outstanding possibility to incorporate the desirable functions for diagnosis. Recently, tremendous investigations were performed along the potential applications of mesoporous materials in diagnosis like therapeutics, theranostic, medical imaging, point-of-care tests and clinical laboratory testing. This chapter discusses the applications of mesoporous materials in the advancement of precise drug transportation, improving the accuracy of bioimaging techniques, theranostic, point-of-care test and clinical laboratory testing.
Mesoporous Materials, Health Diagnosis, Theranostic, Bioimaging, Point-of-Care-Test, Therapeutics
Published online 3/20/2025, 26 pages
Citation: Melkamu Biyana Regasa, Mesoporous Materials for Diagnostics Applications, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 470-495, 2025
Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials
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