Mesoporous Materials for Separation of Biomolecules


Mesoporous Materials for Separation of Biomolecules

Vipul D. Prajapati, Princy Shrivastav

Mesoporous materials have gained significant attention as advanced tools for the separation and purification of biomolecules due to their distinctive structural features, including higher surface areas, tunable pore sizes, and customizable surface functionalities. This chapter explores the synthesis, modification, and application of mesoporous materials in the separation of biomolecules such as proteins, enzymes, and nucleic acids. It provides a detailed overview of how pore size, surface chemistry, and material morphology influence the selectivity and efficiency of separation processes. The discussion highlights the advantages of mesoporous materials over traditional separation techniques and emphasizes their potential in enhancing the scalability and efficiency of biotechnological and biomedical processes. Additionally, current challenges and future directions in the design of more efficient, selective, and biocompatible mesoporous materials are discussed, outlining the path forward for further advancements in this promising field.

Mesoporous Materials, Biomolecule Separation, Protein Adsorption, Enzyme Purification, Nucleic Acid Separation, Surface Functionalization, Biotechnological Applications, Biomedical Applications

Published online 3/20/2025, 30 pages

Citation: Vipul D. Prajapati, Princy Shrivastav, Mesoporous Materials for Separation of Biomolecules, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 362-391, 2025


Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials

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