Mesoporous Materials for Enzyme Immobilization
Sreelekshmi, Athira A., K.M. Sreedhar, Beena Saraswathyamma
Over the years, mesoporous materials have garnered increasing research interest as versatile carriers and promising substrates for enzyme immobilization. A critical problem is to comprehend the impact of immobilization on enzymes to formulate circumstances that maximize enzyme activity. This chapter concludes with insights and perspectives regarding forthcoming obstacles and opportunities for their scale-up uses. The principal features of innovative mesoporous materials are exceptional biocatalytic performance, enhanced stability and repeatability, high loading capacity, and increased accessibility to catalytic sites. The chapter discusses different immobilization techniques employed on mesoporous materials, different characteristics of mesoporous materials influencing immobilization, correlation between advancements in mesoporous materials also their respective contributions to immobilized enzyme, along with applications of these materials for biocatalysis.
Mesoporous Materials, Enzyme Immobilization, Entrapment, Encapsulation, Cross-Linking, Ordered Mesoporous Carbons
Published online 3/20/2025, 22 pages
Citation: Sreelekshmi, Athira A., K.M. Sreedhar, Beena Saraswathyamma, Mesoporous Materials for Enzyme Immobilization, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 340-361, 2025
Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials
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