Mesoporous Materials as Stationary Phases for Size Exclusion Chromatography


Mesoporous Materials as Stationary Phases for Size Exclusion Chromatography

Vipul D. Prajapati, Princy Shrivastav

This chapter explores the innovative utilization of varieties of the mesoporous materials as the stationary phases in size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Mesoporous materials, characterized by their highly ordered pore structures and large surface areas, offer unique advantages for separating molecules based on size. We delve into the synthesis methods of these materials, emphasizing the control over pore size and distribution, which are critical for enhancing the performance of SEC. The chapter reviews recent advancements in the application of mesoporous materials, highlighting their superior resolution, selectivity, and capacity compared to traditional stationary phases. This chapter also discusses the underlying mechanisms that govern size exclusion in mesoporous matrices, supported by theoretical models and experimental data. Case studies demonstrate the reality practical utilities of these materials in biopolymer and nanoparticle separation. Finally, the chapter address the challenges and future prospects in the field, including the development of hybrid mesoporous structures and the integration of novel functionalities to further expand the capabilities of SEC. This comprehensive overview underscores the transformative potential of mesoporous materials in chromatographic science, paving the way for more efficient and versatile separation techniques.

Mesoporous Materials, Size Exclusion Chromatography, Molecular Separation, Biopolymer Separation, Separation Techniques

Published online 3/20/2025, 29 pages

Citation: Vipul D. Prajapati, Princy Shrivastav, Mesoporous Materials as Stationary Phases for Size Exclusion Chromatography, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 173, pp 311-339, 2025


Part of the book on Mesoporous Materials

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