Computational analysis of stress distribution in dental crowns: A review
Stuti BANSAL, Suruchi MAURYA, Rishika BHADANI, Aashika, Nathi Ram CHAUHAN, Pooja BHATI
Abstract. Stress analysis encompasses three primary methodologies: analytical, experimental, and computational. While analytical methods offer theoretical insights, they often fall short in addressing complex problems. Experimental approaches, though thorough, demand substantial time and resources. Computational analysis presents itself as a promising alternative as experiments can be simulated in a virtual environment using computer simulations with the added advantage of easy modification of material or shape properties. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the use of FEA in conducting computational stress analysis for static and fatigue stresses on dental crowns. This paper explains the methods used at each stage of conducting an FEA study.
FEA, Stress Analysis, Human Tooth, Dental Crown, Static Analysis, Fatigue Analysis
Published online 3/1/2025, 12 pages
Copyright © 2025 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Stuti BANSAL, Suruchi MAURYA, Rishika BHADANI, Aashika, Nathi Ram CHAUHAN, Pooja BHATI, Computational analysis of stress distribution in dental crowns: A review, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 49, pp 559-570, 2025
The article was published as article 56 of the book Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
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