A refined shear deformation theory for natural frequency analysis of power law based functionally graded sandwich plate

A refined shear deformation theory for natural frequency analysis of power law based functionally graded sandwich plate

Saloni MALVIYA, Supen Kumar SAH

Abstract. Functionally graded material is a novel composite in which the properties vary with the dimension. Numerous industrial sectors and applications, including aerospace, automotive, biomedical implants, optoelectronic devices, energy-absorbing structures, geological models, and heat exchangers, are highly interested in FGMs. The present study analyzes the natural frequencies of a functionally graded metal-ceramic (FGMC) sandwich plate that has been accomplished considering refined shear deformation theory. Since the parabolic variance in shear strain through the thickness is such that shear stresses vanish on the plate surfaces, the shear correction factor is not required. Hamilton’s principle has been utilized to derive the equation of motion to perform the free vibration analysis. Additionally, the eigen value equation for the FGMC sandwich plate is obtained via Navier’s solution. For the analysis, the three variations of sandwich plate are selected. Three various types of FGMC sandwich plate types viz. 1-1-1, 1-2-1, and 2-2-1 have been taken into consideration for conducting the free vibration study to analyze natural frequency. The material properties of each layer of the sandwich plate and the volume gradation index are obtained considering power law. Lastly, the influence of parameters such as volume fraction, length-to-width ratio, and aspect ratio on frequency parameter is investigated. It is observed that geometrical parameters volume fraction index, and thickness ratio of FGMC sandwich plate has a considerable impact on frequency parameter.

Functionally Graded Metal-Ceramic Material, FGM Sandwich Plate, Free Vibration, Power Law, Refined Shear Deformation Theory

Published online 3/1/2025, 14 pages
Copyright © 2025 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Saloni MALVIYA, Supen Kumar SAH, A refined shear deformation theory for natural frequency analysis of power law based functionally graded sandwich plate, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 49, pp 494-507, 2025

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903438-50

The article was published as article 50 of the book Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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