Development of floating concrete for use as solar photovoltaic systems using expanded polystyrene and plastic fiber over the water bodies in Bangladesh

Development of floating concrete for use as solar photovoltaic systems using expanded polystyrene and plastic fiber over the water bodies in Bangladesh

Arnob SARKER, Kazi Abu MANJUR, Md Shakib HOSSEN, Azharul HAQ, Abdullah Al BASED, Abul Kashem Mohammad YAHIA

Abstract. Bangladesh faces an electricity deficit despite increasing power demand. To address this, innovative approaches are needed. Floating concrete platforms made of polystyrene and plastic fiber can be used to install solar photovoltaic panels over water bodies. This method efficiently utilizes solar energy while utilizing available water bodies. The platforms can withstand compressive, flexural, and tensile forces that the photovoltaic panels and related equipment apply. The platform needs enough buoyancy to support the panels. This paper evaluates the concrete used for the floating platforms using three different mix ratios by volume of cement, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), sand, and fiber. The ratios are 1: 2.86: 0.59: 0.09 (22%:63%:13%:2%), 1: 2.89: 0.49: 0.07 (22.5%:65%:11%:1.5%), and 1: 3.42: 0.39: 0.07 (20%:70%:8.5%:1.5%). Among these, the mix ratio of 1: 3.42: 0.39: 0.07 (20% cement, 70% EPS, 8.5% sand, 1.5% fiber) was identified as the most successful. This ratio offers the lowest unit weight while providing sufficient support and stability for the solar photovoltaic panels. This mix ensures that the platform is light enough to float yet strong enough to withstand the mechanical stresses imposed by the solar installation. By utilizing this optimized mix ratio, Bangladesh can harness solar energy efficiently, helping to alleviate the electricity deficit. This innovative solution not only addresses the immediate energy needs but also promotes the use of renewable energy, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Concrete, Solar Panel, Floating Concrete, Fiber, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), Buoyancy

Published online 2/25/2025, 10 pages
Copyright © 2025 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Arnob SARKER, Kazi Abu MANJUR, Md Shakib HOSSEN, Azharul HAQ, Abdullah Al BASED, Abul Kashem Mohammad YAHIA, Development of floating concrete for use as solar photovoltaic systems using expanded polystyrene and plastic fiber over the water bodies in Bangladesh, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 48, pp 823-832, 2025


The article was published as article 89 of the book Civil and Environmental Engineering for Resilient, Smart and Sustainable Solutions

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