Assessment of ready-mix concrete properties in various zones of concrete samples

Assessment of ready-mix concrete properties in various zones of concrete samples

Nayeemuddin MOHAMMED, Mohammad Abdul MANNAN, Intan Nurhafizah Fazriana bt HAMZANIc, Fawzyah S ALKHAMMAS, Danish AHMED, Andi ASIZ, Mohammad Ali KHASAWNEH, Tahar AYADAT, Tasneem SULTANA

Abstract. In this work, the surface, core, and interface portions of concrete samples are examined to determine the characteristics of ready-mix concrete. The goal of the study is to comprehend how distinct zones inside concrete samples impact water absorption and compressive strength test. For the purpose of assessing these qualities, concrete samples were gathered and processed in accordance with conventional protocols. As the surface displays distinct properties from the core and interface areas, the results show notable differences in attributes between the zones. The concrete’s top zone side was found to have the highest water absorption. In addition, site curing (SC2) has been resulted to be an improved way to cure concrete since it leads to lower water absorption and greater compressive strength as compared to Site Curing (SC1). Compressive strength in every zone remained within the expected range, indicating effective mix design and compaction. There is a significant difference between the two sites, site cures SC2 and SC1. In order to maximize the performance of concrete, zone-specific features are considered. These findings have consequences for concrete mix design and building techniques.

Curing, Ready-Mixed Concrete, Water Absorption, Compressive Strength

Published online 2/25/2025, 10 pages
Copyright Β© 2025 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Nayeemuddin MOHAMMED, Mohammad Abdul MANNAN, Intan Nurhafizah Fazriana bt HAMZANIc, Fawzyah S ALKHAMMAS, Danish AHMED, Andi ASIZ, Mohammad Ali KHASAWNEH, Tahar AYADAT, Tasneem SULTANA, Assessment of ready-mix concrete properties in various zones of concrete samples, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 48, pp 1-10, 2025


The article was published as article 1 of the book Civil and Environmental Engineering for Resilient, Smart and Sustainable Solutions

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