From disintegration to valorization: What perspectives and multi-scale approaches towards a sustainable territorial design for the architecture of Kasbahs and Ksour in southern Morocco?

From disintegration to valorization: What perspectives and multi-scale approaches towards a sustainable territorial design for the architecture of Kasbahs and Ksour in southern Morocco?

Zakaria ABYAA, Khalid EL HARROUNI, Robin DEGRON, Sanae ALJEM

Abstract. Despite their historical and cultural importance, Kasbahs and Ksour in southern Morocco, as emblematic vernacular architectures that demonstrate an ingenious adaptation to the oasis environment, are facing progressive degradation, threatening their survival and sustainability. This research explores the disintegration and valorization of these traditional architectural structures known as Kasbahs and Ksour in southern Morocco. These fortified structures, constructed from local materials like rammed earth, represent the cultural and historical identity of the region. The research identifies the multi-faceted challenges these structures face, including natural degradation, socio-economic changes, rural exodus, and inadequate maintenance. It emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to preserve these architectural heritages while adapting them for contemporary use. The study advocates for a sustainable territorial design that integrates community participation, local practices, and tourism development, showcasing successful examples, such as Ksar Aït Ben Haddou. The focus is on balancing heritage conservation with modern requirements, aiming to foster economic development and community involvement. By developing collaborative initiatives, this research calls for an inclusive methodology that respects the historical significance of these sites while promoting resilient local economies and ensuring cultural continuity for future generations. Ultimately, the research underscores the potential of these architectures as catalysts for sustainable architectural, urban and territorial development in Morocco.

Kasbah, Ksour, Sustainability, Territorial Design, Morocco

Published online 1/10/2025, 8 pages
Copyright © 2025 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Zakaria ABYAA, Khalid EL HARROUNI, Robin DEGRON, Sanae ALJEM, From disintegration to valorization: What perspectives and multi-scale approaches towards a sustainable territorial design for the architecture of Kasbahs and Ksour in southern Morocco?, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 47, pp 294-301, 2025


The article was published as article 34 of the book Vernacular Architecture

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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