Polymers in Orthopedic Surgery


Polymers in Orthopedic Surgery

Muhammad Shahbaz, Nadia Akram, Tanveer Hussain Bokhari, Muhammad Saeed, Khalid Mahmood Zia

There is advancement in the field of orthopedic surgery with the innovation in polymers having diverse range of applications by providing variety of materials, having tailored properties which can be used in replacement of joint and in bone replacement. This chapter gives detailed overview of polymers applications in orthopedic surgery applications. Also, polymer-based scaffolds derived from polymers are explained which can be used in orthopedic applications. Limitations of using polymers in orthopedic surgery and advanced polymer materials in surgery are explained.

Orthopedic Implants, Mechanical and Biological Properties, Acrylic Polymers, Polyurethanes, Fabrication Methods

Published online 2/15/2025, 24 pages

Citation: Muhammad Shahbaz, Nadia Akram, Tanveer Hussain Bokhari, Muhammad Saeed, Khalid Mahmood Zia, Polymers in Orthopedic Surgery, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 172, pp 163-186, 2025

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903353-6

Part of the book on Applications of Polymers in Surgery II

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